
I’m ashamed right now, red faced, embarrassed and down right self-induced sad. It’s April and I haven’t created a new post in so so long that you all have probably forgotten about me.  At the end of last year I promised myself that 2019 would look more like 2017 than 18 but alas, the blog sits empty of any additions. The funny thing is that I still eat everyday, creating delicious plant based meals but it’s the recording of those recipes that has all but ceased as life has weaved its unexpected web.

As I sit here reminiscing about the ‘good ole days’ with that glorious light that filtered into my little kitchen in my little slice of NY heavenly farm seasons, I try and determine why it is that finding the time to sit down and share with you all has become so difficult. I can name a number of reasons as to why the blog sits frozen in time but the reality of the situation is that my inspiration has waned. I suppose just like in any other creative field you get a touch of the burn out and I feel that deep in my bones. I am still extremely passionate about the spreading of healthy eating as the country continues to face devastating health issues due to processed foods. I hate watching small children demanding Doritos and soda when there are so many other interesting foods to eat out there and it hurts my heart to watch the struggle of so many people trying to break the cycle of poor eating habits. I WANT to help, I WANT to create easy recipes for you to make, I WANT to promote farms and local restaurants and I WANT you to have the tools necessary to be healthy while eating delicious foods that aren’t laden with preservative and fillers.

But alas, my new small kitchen doesn’t hold the same magic light that my old one did and I have yet to find a farmer in my new city that I connect with (anyone know one in south Florida?) – John at Royal Acres Farm, I miss you and your’ dad! I miss your kale and your brussel sprouts and most of all I miss just sitting on the tailgate, having a laugh.

That’s what this is all about, the connections that we have through good food, the energizing quality it provides and the resulting good health that occurs. So as I write this little ditty about my blogging woes I have determined to figure out how to better utilize my current kitchen space and to create some new recipes for you, ones with only a few ingredients. That can be prepared on a busy weeknight, so stay tuned for the first one in which we grill some veggies and rely on an amazing sauce to bring the excitement to our palate that we all desire! Much love from Alkaline Living Kitchen!