The theory behind an Alkaline Diet revolves around the idea that alkaline forming foods are easier for the body to break down, require less energy to do so and provide the greatest amount of nutrients for consumption. 

Western diets have become very acidic. Proteins, dairy, sugars, processed and package foods all cause an acidic reaction in the body. As the body is always striving to be neutral it has to work twice as hard to counteract that acid with it own form of a base (essentially baking soda). In normal circumstances, our body stores extra alkaline substance for those times when our acid levels rise however, do to the continuous onslaught of acidic substances being introduced to our bodies there are no stores left and we begin to leach minerals and nutrients from tissue and bone causing unhealthy, illness prone bodies. So what can you do?

Alkaline living is not a diet, it is a way of eating that is healthy and nutritious and has been shown to combat disease. In no way does it suggest not eating cake, instead it suggests a ration of 70% alkaline forming foods and 30% acidic forming foods. As you consume more whole, fresh foods you will feel healthier, look better, and have more energy. Your body will be functioning at its optimum level and you will know it. I also suggest a little exercise and a probiotic. 

Alkalinity does not rely on if a fruit or vegetable is an acid or a base, instead it relies on how the food it broken down by your system and the ash that it leaves. The chart below is a guideline for Alkaline foods. 


* I am not a licensed nutritionist, all that is expressed above is my opinion and what has worked for my optimum health.